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Cover: Stamatis Skliris, Christ – the Alpha and Omega, egg tempera on wooden board, Athens 2007
Artwork of Fr. Stamatis Skliris. Specially painted for Bishop Athanasius’s book and inspired by the representation of Christ’s Resurrection in Monastery Kurbinovo (Prespa), 12th century. Christ is ascending in “doxa” (the circle around Him) and receiving into His “doxa” inorganic creation as represented by the Mount of Olives, visible creation as represented by animals, and invisible creation as Seraphims; impersonal creation is inhypostasized in His own Person. Historically speaking animal world was first included in Christ’s “doxa” by the artists of Kurbinovo frescoes (12th century). It is from them that Panselin has borrowed the idea of including the two prophets, Elijah and Moses, in his own version of “doxa” of the Transfiguration of Christ.