"Christ the Savior", acrylic on canvas, Bishop Maxim, 2023

"Christ the Savior", acrylic on canvas, Bishop Maxim, 2023

This image of Christ conveys an immediate and intense heat in the rich vibrance of the colors which command attention, but slowly the focal point of the icon becomes the face and particularly the eyes. Their gaze matches the intensity of the colors that blaze out as an expression of the “O W N.” Gradually they reveal a subtle difference, like the eyes of the famous St Catherine Icon of the Pantokrator. The left eye of Christ is wide open, all-seeing of the human condition yet with a subtle gentleness and humility evident, while the right eye has a more sustained and sober focus. Subtle differences in the left and right side of the face in addition convey the mystery of human and divine that remains true, even with the intensity of the now risen Lord. In its vivid expressionistic caste the image moves beyond the more representational icons that emphasize the human qualities of Christ more than the infinite power and love of God that shines through him to reveal the "glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ!" - Stephen Muse

In the icon, Christ is presented not as a distant figure but as an intimate, compassionate presence. His deep and understanding gaze seems to say, "I see you. I know you. That's why you will always exist". The eyes, portals of his divine-human person, engage with viewers with an intensity that is profound, almost palpable. It is as though they dive into the abyss of our beings, reflecting back a mirror of our own existence intertwined with His love and recognition. Beyond mere art, the icon stands as a testament to eternal love and compassion, grounding us amidst life's uncertainties.

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